Have you got your hands on the TAG Connected? It’s an excellent watch simply for its aesthetics, but once you start looking into the functionality you realise just how incredible it really is.
Checking the time and getting the latest updates from your phone feels great, but if you’re a business professional, there are a few extra functions that you really need to know about if you want to make the most of it! From getting your schedule in order, to making sure you look professional in each and every meeting you attend, the TAG Heuer Connected watch can help you to get your professional life in order.
We’ve rounded up the top four functions that we think every business person needs to know about – and if you haven’t picked up the watch yet, it’s not too late to get your hands on one from our store and make sure you can take advantage of every little extra.
Of course, these tips barely scratch the surface on what the watch can really do – and if you’d like to read a little more about it, why not check out our interview with a local CEO to see how other professionals are making it work for them?
So, without further ado, here’s our round-up of four features to make the most of your new TAG Heuer Connected:
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