SEVENFRIDAY are one of the newest horological brands within our collection, and it’s fair to say that they are taking watchmaking circles by storm. At first, you might be excused for looking at the unusual aesthetics of SEVENFRIDAY watches and dismissing them as a curiosity; intriguing no doubt, but not the province of ‘true’ horophiles. However, that certainly doesn’t look like it is the case, as a growing internet presence has propelled the appeal of SEVENFRIDAY watches into the stratosphere.
The fact is that SEVENFRIDAY watches are popular for very good reason. Despite making use of Japanese-manufactured Miyota movements and possessing appearances that are as far from ‘the norm’ as it is possible to get, SEVENFRIDAY has established itself as a genuine luxury watch brand. So, just what is the secret to this phenomenal, and impressively rapid, success story?
As we’ve mentioned, some purists might look upon the use of Japanese Miyota movements as a drawback in SEVENFRIDAY watches, but actually this shrewd decision represents one of their greatest strengths. When one evaluates the capabilities which are on offer from a SEVENFRIDAY watch, they are exceptionally good value for a luxury timepiece, and that accessibility alone makes them extremely desirable purchases.
Similar to the use of Miyota movements, the eccentric aesthetics of SEVENFRIDAY timepieces have been instrumental to their success. The sizable 47mm square cases, the intricacy of the layered dials, the atypical ‘industrial-themed’ discs in place of more standard hands, and the vitality of the brilliant selection of colours all mark SEVENFRIDAY watches out as something unique, and yet these inimitable devices are constructed with genuine horological aptitude; a powerful combination.
Following on from the above point about watchmaking know-how, SEVENFRIDAY wristwatches are eminently practical. They are accessible enough to wear in ‘everyday’ situations without undue cause for concern, and are robust enough to withstand all of the rigours that such regular usage brings. Furthermore, as luxury timepieces they carry substantial credibility with them, so this functionality doesn’t come at the expense of prestige.
SEVENFRIDAY founder Daniel Niederer has taken great care to optimise his watches for collecting circles, as anyone who has seen the variant designs of the original SEVENFRIDAY P-1 watch should swiftly realise. Diversity isn’t the only such implementation though, as each SEVENFRIDAY timepiece is presented in distinct packaging and boasts its own unique number, and it is these subtle nuances that have cemented SEVENFRIDAY’s status among collectors.
In a great many ways, SEVENFRIDAY watches are the complete package, and of course an additional advantage that’s brought by their miscellany is that there is a design to suit almost any different preference. Here at Banks Lyon Jewellers, we have a comprehensive assortment of SEVENFRIDAY watches in stock, including the SEVENFRIDAY M1 Automatic watch and the SEVENFRIDAY M2 Automatic watch (see above); the most recent releases from this popular watchmaking brand. If you’d like to find out more about our current range of SEVENFRIDAY products, then feel free to get in touch with our professional team today. Call us now on 01524 38 48 58 or send an email to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to assist with your enquiry.