November 16th, 2014

The Messika Move Collection

Following on from the revelation that we are very shortly going to be acquiring a vast stock of Messika jewellery, we thought that it was prudent to introduce you to a few particular Messika ranges in their turn, beginning with the ‘Move’ collection. Messika jewellery itself was first envisioned back in 2005, and the Move family followed very shortly behind that date, first being realised in 2007. Since then, the elegant trio of diamonds that typify Move have become entrenched as the company’s trademark statement, and, although this enchanting triad of stones has appeared in a vast number of differing jewellery pieces, none of the initial freshness has been lost.

The pioneering idea behind the Move collection came about because of Valérie Messika’s memories of her father; an important figure in her life, and the architect of her enduring passion for diamonds. Messika clearly remembers her father ‘trickling’ his diamonds through his fingers when she was just a child, and at that early age she was entranced by the way that the gemstones came ‘alive’ under the reflected light. It was the desire to recreate this sensation of movement that gave birth to the Move family, and the signature trio of stones was settled upon as the best way to depict love that seamlessly persists over yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Messika Move Classique jewellery imbues its diamonds with the aforementioned freedom to move by encapsulating them within a delicate cage, and this unique design is carefully designed to move emotions just as easily as it allows the fluctuation of the diamonds themselves. Differing cage sizes are all readily obtainable within the Move assemblage, enabling the morphology of any customer to be perfectly suited, no matter what it might be. That might sound like quite a boast, given the fact that the Move range encompasses rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets alike, but from what we’ve seen so far, it’s a claim that seems to be entirely justified.

With so many variations of Move on offer, every discerning woman can be guaranteed to find the ‘Move jewel’ of her preference. The adoption of the theme of ‘three’ also gives Move jewellery a myriad other significances, including serving as a birth gift for parents and children or as a thirtieth birthday present. Because Move jewellery is frequently of the ‘stackable’ variety, it provides a plethora of diverse opportunities for true fashionistas to exploit too, and that fact has already been prominently displayed within the world of celebrities. Only this October, Beyoncé was seen modelling a number of Move jewellery pieces, and she’s by no means the only individual to have been transfixed by this charming collection.

Here at Banks Lyon Jewellers, we’re delighted to be able to bring you a broad array of Messika Move Classique jewellery, and we’re confident that we possess a Move adornment to fit every size of wrist or neck. For further information about the Move family, or to learn more about the availability of our Messika jewellery collection as a whole, please feel free to give our professional staff team a call on 01524 38 48 58 or email [email protected]. We’ll always be happy to hear from you, and will make finding your ideal piece of jewellery our foremost priority.


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